MST Swaraj Bharat
Mr Anish (Father of baby) is working as a Glass Cutter with a minimum wage of 15k-20k
Mr Anish (Father of baby) is working as a Glass Cutter with a minimum wage of 15k-20k
Mr Bhausaheb Daulat Dubhashe (Father of baby)is working as a Farmer with a minimum wage of Rs.20000
Mr Kiran Muralidhar Hatkar (Father of baby)is working as a Barber in his village with a minimum wage.
Ms.Pooja Ravindra Sapkale is 2 years 10 months old Female and is not admitted yet in the hospital she is diagnosed with Congenital Heart Defect (Hole in Heart)
Baby of Mrs. Pooja Gupta is admitted in Apex Hospital Mulund And only 9 Days Old And is Suffering from Respiratory Distress With Jaundice and Sub Costal Retraction
Mr Vijay Kamthe (Father of baby) is working as a Welder worker with a minimum wage of 15k-20k. His Wife Mrs Rupali Kamthe is a Home Maker. He is the only earning member of the family and has no arrangements for the further treatment
Baby of Mrs. Soobiya Khan is admitted in Apex Hospital Mulund (w) Mumbai And is Diagnosed with Feces in the body which means the infant has swallow his Poop (Meconium)and also suffering from severe Jaundice.
Baba of Mrs. Priya Babul is admitted in Holy Spirit Hospital in Mumbai And is Suffering from Respiratory Distress Baby Is premature And have a low birth weight of 750 GMS the Baby is In NICU In Ventilator for approx 3 months.
Baby Mohammad Hannan Is 7 month Old Male and is admitted in PICU in Holy Spirit Hospital Andheri (E) Mumbai And is Suffering from Hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia which is low Blood glucose and low blood calcium in the body the baby will require further hospital care and management for the same.