Address: Chirag Infotech, 2nd floor 211, Ambica Nagar, Wagle Estate,Thane West
400604 Nr Kamgar Naka.
Family details: Mr Nadeem Khan (Father of baby)is a Priest with a minimum source of income. His Wife Mrs Juveriya Khan is a Home Maker. He is the only earning member of the family and has no arrangements for the further treatment.Due to his poor financial conditions he is unable to manage his baby Mohammad Hannan Health is very critical and He is Suffering From Hypoglycemia (low Blood Glucose) and Hypocalcemia (Low Level of Calcium in the blood)
Currently the babies grand father is taking care of the expenses but even he had exhausted all his resources.
Estimated Total Cost of Treatment-Rs 1,60,456 which includes hospital charges,laboratory,medicines
Per Day Cost of treatment including PICU charges,Medicine etc is approx 12000/-
Child is currently on the ventilator and with proper treatment recovery chances are 100 percent
Patient Details: Baby Mohammad Hannan Is 7 month Old Male and is admitted in PICU in Holy Spirit Hospital Andheri (E) Mumbai And is Suffering from Hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia which is low Blood glucose and low blood calcium in the body the baby will require further hospital care and management for the same.
We Pray and Expect your Love and Contribution towards these Babies and Save their Life by coming forward. Your Donations are Tax Exempted up to 50% under Section 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act .
Ashar IT Park, B-Wing, Office No 804, 8th Floor, Road No. 16/Z, Neheru Nagar, Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane, Maharashtra 400604. | | +91 98339 98382
All our efforts are made possible only because of your support
Donations are tax exempted under 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act
Your donation transactions are completely safe and secure
Address: Chirag Infotech, 2nd floor 211, Ambica Nagar, Wagle Estate,Thane West
400604 Nr Kamgar Naka.